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dc.contributor.authorAdoyo, Milka
dc.identifier.citationA thesis subnjtted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of m~ster of arts in population studies, at population studies ann res~arch institute. University of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractThe thesis discusses the increasingly persistent problem of adolescent fertility in Kenva. The major objective of this study was to determine the SOC10- economic. socio-cultural and demographic factors that affect adolescent fertility at individual level. The other objective was to determine the levels of adolescent fertility both at micro level lusin~ raw datal and at divisional levels using 1979 census datal. The fertility levels were corrmut ed usi nz the Coale-Trussel PIF techniaue. Cross-tabulation techniaue was used to show the variations in adolescent fertilitv by socia-economic. socio- cultural and demoer-aohi.c differentials. Chi-scmare analvsis was used to show the association between adolescent fertilitv and the variol1s socio-economic. socio-cultural and demographic variables. Both secondary and primary data were used in the studY. The 1979 census nata. based on sine women. was used to calculate adolescent fertility levels in Kisumu District hv divisions. Primary data on adolescents. based on field survey conducted in Azores. sub-location. Kisumu District. was used to calculate adolescent fertility leve~s and determinants. Fertility levels were found to be high both at divisional and micro-levels. Adolescent fertility was found to vary by the various socio-economic. socio-cultural and demographic variables. The i socio-cultural factors inc1ude: parents type of marital union. religion. parents marital- status. eirl/boyfriend's local i t.v , parent's knowledge and opinion on one's girl/bovfriend. adolescents opinion on premarital sex and contraceptive use. discussion of sex related issues with parents and non-parents. and adolescents activities outside the household. The socio-economic variable include: adolescents' occupation. both parents occupation. Parent's place of employment and education. The demographic variables that were found to determine adolescent fertility include: age at first intercourse. frequency of intercourse. knowledge of contraceptive and how it is used. use of contraceptive and out-of-wedlock pregnancy of a sister. From the findings of this studv . it is recommended that parents should play a more active role in educating their children on sex related issues. All reIigious organizations should also provide sex education to the adolescents and youth in general. The adolescents should also change their attitude towards premarital sex and use of contraceptives. Sex education should be incorporated in the schools curriculum. Guidance and counselling services should also be provided to the -", adolescents both in and out of school. Contraceptives should be made available to adolescents. However. they should be made aware of the consequences of irresponsible sex. such as AIDS and other sexuallv transmitted diseases. To curb idleness and indulging in unnecessary activities, income ~enerating proiects should be introduced in the rural areas. This will also improve t.he adolescents socio-economic status. It is hoped that these factors ~ill help reduce the problem of adolescent fertility.en
dc.titleThe determinants of pre-marital adolescent fertility in agoro-west sub-location" Kisumu district" Kenyaen
local.publisherDepartment of Arts-institute of population studies and researchen

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