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dc.contributor.authorOmega, J A
dc.identifier.citationMaster of science in veterinary pathology and Microbiologyen
dc.description.abstractEighteen Dorper sheep aged between six and twelve months were obtained from an area known to be free of fasciolosis. The animals were divided into four groups (I-IV). Each of the first three groups comprised of five sheep while the fourth group had three sheep. Each of the five sheep ill group I was orally infected with a low dose (250) 01 metaccrcariac or Fasciola giganiica whereas each of those in group LI got a high dose (400) or the metacercar iae. The five sheepof the third group were infected with varying doses of between 210 and 490 metacercariae per animal. The group III animals were slaughtered at weeks 7, 11,13,14 and IS post-infection and flukes recovered. These nukes were processed and their antigens compared with somatic antigens of Paramphistomum spp., Schistosoma mansoni, Stilesia hepatica, . hydatid cyst lluid and F. gigantica (together with its excretory/secretory products) in a SDS-PAUE gel. An antigen, AgF.g28, was found to be .both immunogenic and specific for F. gigantica by Western blotting. It was eluted from the SDS-PAGE gels and used to immunise the three sheep in the fourth group. Immunoglobulin G from the sera of the hyperimmuniscd sheep was isolated and conjugated with horseradish perox idase enzyme. Sera and faecal samples were collected weekly from the sheep in groups I and I [ from three weeks. before infection to 21 weeks post-infection, after which they were slaughtered and the adul: liver flukes in tile bile ducts, together with the Foscio eggs ill the: gilll bladders. recovered and counted .. Tile faecal samples were subjected to LlH~rEST and tile number or Fasciola eggs in 3 grams ascertained, while the sera were assayed tor antigen aile! antibody by the antigen- and antibody-El.ISzv tests respectively. The whole-worm SDS-PAGE protein profiles of the various ages of juvenile flukes and the adult nukes recovered from sheer appeared identical. Ilowever, a protein band of' a MW of about 42-kOa was present in the flukes recovered from sheep but was lacking ill tile adult fluke recovered from bovine, whereas a protein band of about 70-kDa \\as nut as prom incur in the fluke of bovine origin as it was ill those from sheer. The protein b.mdx ill the ES products were fewer (hall those ill the whole-worm extracts. Apart from a halHI or ahout ()()k Da, all the protein bands in the ES products were also present in the whole-worm extracts. Each of the other parasites had its own unique protein profile. Nevertheless, COlli ilion protein bands ex isted between F. gigantica and S. manson! (e.g bands of 40 and 94-kl)(\), l'. gigautic« and S. hepatica (e.g bands of 25 and 80-kOa) and also between F. gigantica and the hydatid cyst fluid OX-kDa). The 43-kOa band was present in all but thewhole-worrn protein profile of Paratnphistonunu spp. A protein band of 28-kOa was identified and found to be specific Ior F. gigantic». This antigen, code named AgF.g28, was present in all ages of the F. gigantica whule-worrn PI3S extracts and also in the ES products. An antigen-ELISA developed for the I\ had a sensitivity of 75 % and a specificity of 70% for the 21 weeks of infection. An nutibody-El.ISv', for the same antigen hac! a sensitivity of 81 % and a specificity 01 20% for the same period. Eight out of ten sheep in both the low and high dose infection groups tested posit ivc for Iasciolosis at the first week post-infection by the antigen-ELISA, as compared to 2 out or 10 ill the same period by the antibody-ELISA. The Faecal egg sedimentat ion technique first detected fasciolosis at the l3u\ week post-infection. Student's T-tests conducted showed that none of the three diagnostic tcsts was able to distinguish between low and high levels of fasciolosis. Also, there was no significant difference between the number of adult flukes recovered from the bile ducts, the number of eggs in the faecesand in the gall bladder between the animals in the low and high dose infection groups. A direct relationship was found to exist between the number of eggs in the faeces and those ill the gall bladder, and also between the number of Fasciola eggs in the gall bladder and the number of adult flukes recovered. However, no relationship existed between the number of adult flukes recovered and the number or eggs in the faeces. 1\ rcurcssin» iliialysis at the 5 % level revealed that the dose (i. e number of metacercariae ingcsted) did not ill Ilucncc the dependent variables such as number of eggs ill the faeces and gall bladder, the percentage fluke take (i. e the proportion 0 f mctacercar iae ingested that developed to aelulthood a11(1 were recovered), and the optical density readings of the antigen- and antibody-El.ISzv. Tile statistical results effectively imply that quantitative diagnosis or Iasciolosis cannot be ascertained by any of the three diagnostic tests used in the present study. The fact that the AgF.g28 was found in both the whole-worm extracts and the, ES products means that it was most probably an ES antigen. This was also evident 1"1'0111 tile SDSPAGE protein profiles where the antigen in the ES products was more prominent and distinct than in the whole-worm extract. The antigen was not highly immunogenic, as shown by the Western blot and this probably explains why the sensitivities of both the Antigco and Antibody- ELiSAs were low. Under the conditions or the present study, it was round that tile Antigen-EI.ISA was superior to both the Antibody-ELISA and the FEST. Its sensitivity and specificity were together higher than those of the other tests, and it was also able to detect fasciolosis ill infected sheep relatively earlier. The success of a good diagnostic test is determined by its ability to detect disease in infected animals as early as possible, and also to have a high sensitivity and specificity. If the antigen, !\gF.g28, was produced in a purer form. aile! monoclonal antibodies used instead of poly clonal, then the Antigen-ELISA developed to detect AgF.g28 in serum would possibly be a good diagnostic test for fasciolosis,en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of circulating fasciola gigantica antigens in sera of experimentally infected sheepen
local.publisherDepartment of Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology & Parasitologyen

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