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dc.contributor.authorKorir, SCR
dc.identifier.citationMaster of science degree in applied human nutritionen
dc.description.abstractDue to rapid urbanization prompted by high population growth rates, street food vending has proliferated in many developing countries, mainly as a means of survival for the urban poor and the unemployed. In this study, the characteristics of vendors and the quality of street foods sold in selected construction sites in Nairobi were determined. The characteristics of the vendors and the manner of handling the food were determined by administering a pretested questionnaire to 58 vendors from 10 sample clusters. The quality of the foods was evaluated by analyzing for proximate chemical composition and total coliforms. Caloric values as well as the contribution of the foods to energy and protein RDAs were calculated. The survey results indicated that street food vending is c arri ed out by both mar~~ and females with females constituting the majority. Both the male and female vendors had low formal education. Though diversified, the foods were similar to those commonly consumed in Kenyan households. The proximate composition of the foods varied depending on the ingredients. Single servings of most of the foods provided 17-36% of energy RDAs for individuals of ages 18-30, and 18-381. ener-gy FWAs for ages -between Contribution to the protein RDAs were much higher, in some cases reaching as high as 981.. Coliform counts of contamination of food with the foods were high faecal material possibly suggesting from water used for washing or from the vending environment. The study indicated that street food vending in Nairobi is a rapidly growing business especially for provision of meals to low wage earners. Much needs to be done, however, to improve the sanitation of the vendors and that of the environment under which the foods the are prepared and vended, to improve wholesomeness ofen
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleTypes and quality of street foods and vendor characteristics at selected construction sites in Nairobien
local.publisherDepartment of Food and Nutrition Technologyen

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