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dc.contributor.authorKoimur, Haron C
dc.identifier.citationMasters thesis University of Nairobi (2006)en
dc.descriptionDegree of Master of Business Administration,en
dc.description.abstractAs more and more organizations turn towards computer based information systems for decision making, it becomes necessary to ensure that such systems are error free. To be able to come up with an error free system, there are a number of things to be done to eliminate any errors that may exist. There is need to enhance detection and prevention of software errors and bugs in order to avoid the catastrophic effects that arise if the system is not well tested. The focus of this study was on the software testing processes by software developers in Kenya. While doing this study, some elaborate background is provided at the beginning regarding the growing use of computers. The problem that is being addressed by the study is the effects that an error can cause to businesses which can be catastrophic. The major problem noted is the effects that untested software may cause if not well tested. Tools that are used in software testing process are also explained. A key aspect of the study was to attempt to establish the tools and processes used in software testing by Information and Communication Technology developers in Kenya. The results show that, ICT Consultants perform software testing to a large extent whenever they are developing software. In addition, the findings revealed that, respondents view the system testing as important in the system development process. Attempts were also made to find out if there are any existing challenges facing software testing process in Kenya. The report provides some descriptions of the methodology and the data analysis techniques which were used such as tables, pie charts and some frequency tables. The findings and recommendations arising out of the research are included in the explanations in each of the sections. Findings of the study show that about two thirds of the software developers in Kenya do actual testing of the software. Most of the firms interviewed carry out their software testing processes internally within the organization. However, those customizing or performing agency roles of re-selling already developed software make use of experts from one of the partners of the company that developed and owns the software. The tools used for software testing processes are imported and thus a firm has to plan properly to avoid shortage of the same. Notable among the challenges is the lack of skills on software testing. Also, the process of software testing is not put as part of the project activities when implementing a new system. There were no serious limitations to the study but the limited time and budget restricted the researcher from attaining a 100% response rate. Some of the software testing tools and processes are relatively new and may not be well understood locally. It is possible that some of the respondents could have given their response with this limitation. To understand the driving force behind adoption of certain software testing tools requires a more in-depth and specific study. This study however, ends with recommendations as regards the importance of the software testing and that there is need to have software testing processes entrenched in the FCf Policy for all organizations. It should even be made as a formal activity to be carried out at the time of project completion.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi.en
dc.titleA Survey of Software Testing Processes Used by Software Developers in Kenyaen
local.publisherFaculty of Commerceen

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