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dc.contributor.authorManyarkiy, T J
dc.identifier.citationA Management Research Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA), School Of Business, University Of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractThis study seeks to acquire a deeper understanding of the role that middle managers play in strategy" implementation and how they deal with the challenges arising by examining the corporate strategic plan of NSSF. The effective implementation of strategy by middle level managers is crucial to the performance of the organization based on the premise that implementation is the critical link between the formulation of strategy and the achievement of superior performance. However, implementation research often ignores the middle level managers, who are intricately involved in implementation of the Fund's activities. The analysis of interviews conducted with the middle level managers at NSSF sheds light on the implementation protocol by examining the extent and effect of middle managers' involvement in the formulation process of the Corporate Strategic Plan. The main interest was to find out the challenges that middle managers face in implementing their corporate strategic plan. NSSF is going through a period of radical change in transforming their services to meet customers' requirements through the Corporate Strategic Plan for the period 2003-2006. The study found out that top management has easy access and high degree of understanding of the corporate strategic plan as compared to middle level managers and operational managers. Middle level managers appreciate that their role in the implementation process is of great significance as does the fight against corruption in all levels of management. Other roles of middle managers that contribute to successful implementation of the strategic plan are overall reduction in expenditure, strict adherence to the NSSF's control systems and procedures and alignment of organization's systems to its mission. " -. In order to realize effective and efficient delivery of services it is recommended that middle level managers should play key roles in improving teamwork, work, culture at work, organizational systems and public relations, and utilization of available resources. It is suggested that staff placement and relevant skills are very critical to effective implementation of the corporate strategic plan.en
dc.titleThe challenges facing middle level managers in the implementation of corporate strategic plan at national social security funden
local.publisherBusiness Administrationen

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