The geology of the massive sulphide mineralization of the wire hills area, Kenya
A study of Lhe Wire hills area and i Is relaliwiship to the massive sulphide deposit associated with iL is presenLed.
The geology of the through dacites to Lop. Cherts and with these rocks.
The study of drill coxes has revealed Lhat Lhe Wire hills sulphide Bodies occur in a sub— paral lei manner- sLi'iking to Lhe north-west and dipping Lo Lhe noi-Lh-east at abouL 40° . The massive sulphide deposit shows effecLs of chloritization while Lhe hanging wall rocks show silica enrichmen L. Sulphide veins are quite common in Lhe
footwall rocks.
Wire hills area varies from andesiLes rhyolites associated wiLh Luffs at Lhe Banded ironstone are also associated
Tire dominant minerals in Lhe deposi L ax-e pyrrhotiLe while chalcopyri te, arsenopyriLe, gold and silver- occur- in minor- amounts, evaluation of Lhe deposit indicates sulphide over 4 million tonnes.
pyri Le and sphaleri Le, Preliminary reserves of
Mi neralogical and sLruulural sLudies LogeLher wi Lli the chemical analysis indicate that lhe Archean massive sulphide deposit of the Wire hills is of volcanu^enio-
hydrothermal origin
University of NairobiPublisher
University of Nairobi Faculty of Science