Religion in the creative literary works of Chinua Achebe
In this thesis it has been shown that the creative
literary works of Chinua Achebe take seriously the
problem of religion as an aspect of social life.
Achebe has been influenced by both Igbo traditional
religion and Christianity. His creative literary
works, and probably those of other African writers
could be useful resources in the study and practice
of religion. Thus, the thesis establishes the
existence of an interdisciplinary relationship
between African creative literature and religious
The study is divided into SlX chapters and each one
covers a specific topic. Chapter One introduces the
subject of study, provides the rationale, objectives,
theoretical framework and methodology. Chapter Two o
surnrnarisesthe biography and works of Chinua Achebe
which are selected to argue the possibility of using
creative literary works in the study and practice of
religion. Chapter Three provides brief background
knowledge, geography, history and traditional religion
of the Igbo people, within which the literary works of
Achebe are set. Chapter Four examines some of the main
religious themes in Achebe's works - Fate, Divine Justice,
Conflicts~ Interdependence of the Gods and Society.
~ l'
Chapter Five identifies some of the basic religious ideas
on which Achebe's novels are based - morality, justice,
reincarnation and balance between materialism and
spirituality. While Chapter Six contains the findings
of the study and recommendations.
In each of the chapters the research has determined
critical attributes to the thesis. Chapter One: The
objective of the study is stated - to examine the
possibility of using creative African literary works
as illustrative material in the study of African
religions; It confirms that the subject of study is
unique and that there has been no published work on
it; the study is conducted within the theoretical
framework of religious studies where religion is seen
as a social institution which governs the beliefs and
activities of its members; Using library research method
it was possible to cover the subject adequately.
ChapteD Two: Nine creative works of Chinua Achebe were
selected for study - Things Fall Apart, Arrow of God,
No Longer At Ease, A Man of The People, Beware Soul
Brother, Chike And the River, Girls At War, The Inside
And Other Stories, and Morning Yet On Creation Day,
specific attention is given to the major novels. The
biographical background of Chinua Achebe reveals that
he had been influenced by Christianity, traditional
religion of the Igbo people, Western education, and
changing circumstances. In summary, one finds that
his novels are mostly based on historical events,
influence of missionary education, colonial domination,
Igbo village life and civil war.
Chapter Three: It gives a working definition of
religion as a social institution which governs the
beliefs and activities of its members by regulating
the manner in which they relate to themselves as
individuals, other people within or outside their
community, their surroundings and the super-human
powers, and/or deities. It establishes that Igbo
traditional religion consists of Chief Functionaries,
Divinities, Ancestors, Spirits, Religious Artefacts,
POlytheism or Monotheism, Materialism based on
Agriculture - which is a manifestation of God's
blessings, and that external influences such as
christianity, colonial rule have interrupted the Igbo
peoples' beliefs on culture and traditional religion.
Chapter Four: Three religious themes are identified
in the selected novels of Chinua Achebe: Fate - the
predetermined course of events; Divine Justice - the
distribution of rewards and punishment by God (Chukwu)
or the lesser gods; Various forms of conflicts caused
by differences in religious beliefs, and changes in
circumstances e.g. the coming of the Europeans and
Christian Missionaries.
Chapter Five: In this chapter some of the basic religious
ideas in Chinua Achebe's works are clearly identified;
Morality, Justice, reincarnation, and balance between
materialism and spiritualism. In the selected novels,
Achebe appears pre-occupied with these basic religious
Chapter Six: It concludes that there 1S an interdisciplinary
relationship between Creative African Literary Works and
religion; and recommends that research be carried out on
other African Writers' creative literary works to assess
their contribution as illustrative materials in religious
studies. Thus the study areas could be extended to examine
possible interdisciplinary relation between religion and
other disciplines, for example, Religion and History,
Religion and Geography, Religion and Art, Religion and
Psychology, Religion and Sociology, Religion and
Mathematics or Sciences and so on.
A Thesi submitted in part fulfilment for the Degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Literature,University of Nairobi.Publisher
Arts-Literature and linguistics