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dc.contributor.authorNjaramba, Lucy N
dc.description.abstractThis study assesses the factors determining demand for raw materials in food processing firms. The overall objective of the study was to assess the determinants of demand for soybean as a raw material in food processing firms. The city of Nairobi, Kenya was selected as a case study because it hosts a majority of these firms. The study methodology and approach was based on reviewing of available documents from various sources and face to face interview. A cross-sectional survey was carried out for the soybean processing firms operating within the city. Firms were first contacted to confirm they were still in operation and to determine their sizes through the numbers of their employees. Probability sampling was employed whereby the sample was stratified into four groups according to the sizes of the firms. Firms were grouped into micro, small, medium and large enterprises. The study established that the major determinants of demand for soybean are: prices of soybean; firm size; age of the firm; quality of soybean grain and the level of infrastructure within the country. Correlation and regression analysis were carried out for the three variables, that is, the prices of soybean, firm size and the age of the firm since inception. The analysis revealed an inverse relationship between the prices of soybean and the quantity demanded by the firms. Another finding was that both firm size and age of the firm have a positive relationship with demand. In other words, as the firm employs more and more workers the demand for the raw materials increase and the longer a firm operates in terms of the years, its demand increases for the raw materials. Moreover, it was found out that the quality of raw materials determines its demand. Firms were more interested in good quality of the soybean, which includes protein content, moisture content and the size of the bean. The constraints faced by the soybean processing firms were also examined. The key finding was that farm production of soybean within the country is low ~nd therefore processing firms are forced to externally source the commodity, by importing from other countries. In addition, other constraints include notably poor physical infrastructure such as roads that impede transportation of raw material from the rural production areas, energy and telecommunication; high prices of soybean; and poor quality of soybean grain. The study has highlighted some policy recommendations in order to address these constraints. Among them are: adequate budgetary allocation by the Government for improvement of the infrastructure particularly on roads and electricity; provision of adequate funds to research institutions to come up with good quality soybean varieties for processing; creating an enabling environment for doing business by giving incentives such as easing of importation procedures and reduction of import duties by the Government; and encouraging the small-scale producers to engage in farming as a business.en
dc.titleAn assessment of factors determining demand for raw materials in food processing firms: a case of soybeans in Nairobi, Kenya.en

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