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dc.contributor.authorOkello, Orlale R.A
dc.identifier.citationA project presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree in master of arts in population studies, niversity of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractThe specific objective of this study Was to analyse birth intervals in Kenya. Specifically, sought determine the trends 01' birth, intervals.The influence 01' broadcasting on birth , intervals. the effect of contraceptive use or 1l0lHISe on birth intervals and also the effect 01' socio-economic, cultural and demographic factors Oil birth interval lengths ill Kenya. To achieve the above objectives. several hypotheses to determine the magnitude 01' these were tested hypothesis survival (lire) tables and hazard models. The dat;1 utilized W;IS obtained from the Kenya Demographic and l health Survey conducted February The hypotheses were tested within a conceptual framework developed Bougaaarts Mosley and Chell frameworks lor the analysis 01' fertility ( infant and child .•.., ... mortality respectively. To operationalizc this conceptual framework birth interval was taken as the dependent variable and also as a measure 01" fertility. infant/child death was included to measure the effect 01" "ruortaltv Several socio-cconouuc, cultural and demographic variables were include the framework as controls In chapter one, the problem 01" the study is stated, objectives outlined and justification 01" the study is made. The scope and limitations 01' the study arc also stated. Chapter two reviews the relevant literature Ior the study, provides theoretical framework and hypotheses lor the study. It also undertakes a definition 01' the concepts used and the variables and their given. ;l!a sources (Methodological were discussed in chapter three. This involved explaining IIOW the data relevant lor this study was obtained and the most appropriate methods to universe the said data. The selection or the most appropriate sub-sample for analysis and aspects or relevant to the study were cx.Unicode ill chapter !(1111.The results or this chapter indicated that data was or good quality y and could hence be used lor this study. The results or the analysis are presented ami discussed in chapter five a11(1chapter six. The results olIhc survival (life) tables in chapter rive showed that, the death or the index child W,IS significantly related to the birth interval length. Birth intervals were shorter where an infant had died than where the infant had survived. Tile bi variate results indicated that, tile death o lu birth in the previous interval, tile previous birth interval, and the use or contraception were siguificantly related to the birth interval at 5 'Yc, level. These results were also confirmed ill the multivariate results. ". " The main policy implications, which can be drawn from this study is that infant, and child survival and family planning granduncles should he integrated as part or an overall <strategy to lower fertility in Kenya .. "en
dc.titleCommunities perspective of home based care for hiv/aids patients a study of Kibera slums Nairobien
local.publisherDepartment of Population Studies & Research Institute, University of Nairobien

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