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dc.contributor.authorKimulu, Elizabeth M
dc.identifier.citationMaster of Arts,University of Western Ontario London, ontario,1993en
dc.description.abstractThis thesis examined the integration of women into development in the context of policy in Kenya. The main question of the thesis was: Does "integration" take into account past and existing gender inequalities and social relations that are biased against women? This was examined from a perspective derived from a combination of various theoretical approaches that were perceived to be relevant for 'the Kenyan context. Data for this thesis consisted mainly of various government statistics as well as secondary sources. After a review of the main theoretical approaches and an analysis of the historical context of the status of women, the thesis focused on various attempts to "integrate" women. The findings suggest that women are integrated into the various sectors of development at significantly lower rates and substantially inferior positions compared to men. Participation data on politics and planning, education, and employment show that women in Kenya continue to be systematically marginalised to lower status in the society. However, the analysis, found that there are also significant socio-economic and regional differences that affect women's status. The data suggest that women in general are constrained by their exclusion from power in the decision making process and by their lack of productive resources. The conclusion of this thesis is that advancement in the status of women i Kenya is affected substantially by both international and national factors that continue to be unacknowledged in policies and programs.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleIntegration Into Development And Status Of Women:The Case Of Kenyaen
local.publisherDepartment of Sociologyen

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