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dc.contributor.authorNyamongo, IK
dc.contributor.authorAagaard-Hansen, J
dc.description.abstractThere is a strong need for research capacity strengthening in developing countries. In this paper we present achievements and lessons learnt from a South-North collaboration. The collaboration is situated within the Kenyan-Danish Health Research Project (KEDAHR) which started in 1994 and lasted till 2004. A total of 41students (27 Kenyans and 14 Danish) undertaking studies at post-graduate and doctoral levels were involved over this period and more than 37 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and in edited books. In addition, there are other intangible benefits that have accrued over time.We conclude that the collaboration between the five institutions involved has been very productive. The focus on capacity development has led to a large pool of well trained anthropologists who are now forming a critical mass of expertise within which we expect future collaborations to be based.en
dc.subjectResearch capacity strengtheningen
dc.subjectSocial scienceen
dc.titleResearch capacity strengthening in social science: Achievements and lessons learnt.en

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