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dc.contributor.authorOwino, Eunice A
dc.identifier.citationMaster of Arts (Planning)en
dc.description.abstractThe development of uncontrolled urban settlements has become a common phenomenon of urban growth in Africa and most other parts of the developing world. Urbanisation in East Africa :Ii:g .not an exception to this pro o~_em, although this fact has only become apparent during the past decade or so. Known variously as squatter or peri - urban settlements slums or shanty towns, these areas have proved to be highly resistant to the modern and formal means of urban planning and control. Since the problem is aggravated by rural - urban migration together with the shortage of low cost housing, we are, therefore, faced with the problems of determining the appropriate methods of approach to accommodate these migrants into the urban communities. 'this study thus· Bet out to study the factors influencing the residential patterns in uncontrolled urban settlements with the aim of providing socio - economic and culturally determined solutions to the problems facing the urban migrants. The study has taken a case study of the Changamwe area of Mombasa , and examined the physical, economic and socio - cultural influences on it's residential patternen
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleSome influences on residential patterns in uncontrolled urban areas - a case study of Changamwe - Mombasaen

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