Mbari Centre Enugu( a cultural centre in Nigeria)
The basis of this study stems from an interest in preserving
the culture of the Ibo people of Nigeria, and the conviction
that cultural exchanges through dances promote understanding
and unity between different groups of people. The study
presented an opportunity to look at some short comings in
existing cultural centres, and to design a specific scheme
within this sensitive area.
The study is therefore primarily concerned with the planning
and design of a Cultural Centre in Enugu. Although the main
area of the design thesis is focused on the physical side of
the centre design, in the process the case study involves a
research into the social problems of Enugu as a town and Uwani
as an estate, and a study of the cultural beliefs and aspirations
of the Ibos.
The first stage in the exercise was to make a thorough physical
study of Enugu. Four estates were identified for this centreo
Priorities in selecting a site were based on such parameters as
population, proximity to other estates, availability of public
and social facilities and possibility of acquiring land. Uwani
was selected because of its large population, and lack of such
facilities like play areas, library, social hall, and the intense
commercial activities that take place within the estates. It is
hoped that the centre will provide those amenities for use by
inhabitants of Uwani and also act as a nucleus for promoting
the culture of the Ibo people of Nigeria.
Having selected the site a study was made of the environments,
site planning, townscape and site study. Materials for the
construction were chosen from those available in the state.
Their choice was based on availability, durability, labour and
Masters ThesisPublisher
Faculty of Architecture and engineering, University of Nairobi
M. Arch. Thesis