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dc.contributor.authorRimui, DW
dc.description.abstractI first confess the timidness with which I trotted in this area of agrarian economy, clutching firmly on the law. This paper, far from being a treatise on the mechanics of land law in agrarian development, attempts to illuminate that essential link agrarian development This paper is not an exception to the usual constrains, that any field researcher is subjected to. The researchwork was extensive both in the area and issues covered, Time and finances proved to be the greatemobstacles. It is impossible to acknowledge adequately the debt which one owes to others. Frequently the greatest debts are not consciously realized by the debtor. I wish to express my gratitude to government officials in Kiambu Land Registrar's Offic~ the Division Headquarter Githunguri and the A. F.C Kiambu, for I':: '",.-gi~ing me access to some material which were necessary for this paper. I also wish to place on record my deep indebtedness to Mr. H. W. O. Okoth-Ogendo, my Land Law lecturer and supervisor, without whose scholarly nursing, this paper would have been a confusion, both in form and substance. To the members of my family, I wish to express my gratitude, in no perfunctory sense, for assisting me both spiritually and materially, not only in my preparation for this paper, but also during my whole struggle in this University. Last but not least, I am particularly indebted to my cousin Miss Wambui Matindi, who cheerfully undertook the laborious task of typing this paper
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi,
dc.titleThe Role of Land Tenure Reform in Agrarian Developement;a Case Study of Githunguri Division in Kiambu Districten
local.publisherSchool of Lawen

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