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dc.contributor.authorLuseno, Jullie
dc.description.abstractThe media industry in Kenya has undergone tremendous change and growth since the liberalization of the media. Kenya has state owned media houses and privately owned media houses. The media business in Kenya is very competitive. According to Oganga (2009) there were ninety radio stations as per September 2009. Other forms of media in the competitive markets are various TV stations, newspapers, magazines, billboards and the ever evolving technology. Players in the media industry have taken up the diversification strategy where by other products that are related to their core products have been introduced by the respective media houses. Some of the media houses that have taken up diversification are the Nation Media Group, The Standard Group, Royal Media Services and Radio Africa which this study is based on. The aim of the study was to establish the various challenges that Radio Africa has experienced in pursuit of the diversification strategy. The study has also mentioned how the company handled some of the challenges it encountered while implementing the diversification strategy. Data has been from three top managers at Radio Africa from the various business lines. These managers have been part of the team that has and is still implementing diversification strategy. The data was then analyzed by combining the repetitive aspects from the data and also mentioning the exclusive ones. The results of the study showed that most challenges encountered during the launch of one product did affect the existence of the other related products. The results also showed that it is important to change initial strategy if it has shown negative reception by the target market. The limitation of the study is that it was conducted exclusively on one media house. A further study should be conducted to establish the various challenges encountered among diversified media houses. KEYWORDS: CHALLENGES IMPLEMENTATION DIVERSIFICATION STRATEGYen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleChallenges in implementation of diversification strategy at Radio Africa Ltden_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MBA)en_US

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