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dc.contributor.authorOtieno, Jared Otieno
dc.description.abstractThis research project presents results of the causes and rates of staff turnover in private secondary schools in Kisumu City. In carrying out the research an interview guide was used to collect primary data form the respondents who were the principals of these schools. Lack of job security was cited by most respondents as a major cause of increased staff turnover in these schools. The perception of lack of job security was aggravated by the fact that . employees were not allowed to register with trade unions. Low staff compensation also featured prominently as a cause of staff turnover as most respondents . cited that these schools did not compensate the staff within the minimum government wage guideline like in the public sector. Other causes of turnover adversely mentioned by respondents were lack of opportunity for career development, existence of greener pastures elsewhere and poor employee employee and employee management relationship. The findings of the study was that staff turnover of the teaching staff was 26% which was more than the acceptable rate of between 10 - 15% and that for non teaching staff was 11% which is nonnal as it is withi1lthe acceptable standards. From the findings of the study it was recommended that the management of these schools allow the staffs register as members of trade union. The general public should be sensitized on the role the private secondary schools playas co educational partners with the public secondary schools . hence the need to appreciate the staff in these schools. It was also recommended . that the staff in these schools be compensated within the minimum government wage guidelines to counter actthe phenomenon of stafftumover. Finally it was suggested that to provide a better understanding of education in the private sector, a similar study be carried out in the primary school sector and private tertiary institutions to come up with a holistic generalization of causes of staff turnover in the private education sector. The staffs that have left employment also need to be studied since they would be objective in giving out information.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleCauses of staff turnvover in private secondary schools in Kisumu Cityen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MBA)en_US

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