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dc.contributor.authorAgumbi, Phoebe F
dc.identifier.citationMaster Of Business Administration (mba) Degree, School Of Business, University Of Nairobi, 2013en
dc.description.abstractStrategy implementation is one of the stages in organizations decision making process crucial for translating strategies into desired actions then expected results by embracing all the actions that enable strategies to be put into practice. Organizations therefore need to consider the resources to be used, human resources required, structures, systems among other variables. The manner in which strategic management and strategy implementation is practised vary from one organization to another simply because the two are context sensitive. This study focused on a newly chartered university which has evolved through three distinct levels (from Tertiary institution to a University College and finally to a fully fledged University) and within the context of public University. Of the strategic management studies that have been conducted, very few have their focus on newly chartered public universities in Kenya. This study gets strength from this observation and therefore designed to fill the gap by establishing strategy implementation in a newly chartered public university context. The study sought to answer the questions: what are the strategy implementation practices adapted by TUM in implementing its strategic plans of 2010-2014? And what are the challenges that TUM encounters during the implementation process? The study purposed to achieve two objectives namely; to establish the strategic management practices adapted by TUM; and to identify the challenges faced by TUM in the implementation of its strategies. The major findings of the study were that TUM adapts various practices in implementing its strategies. TUM’s strategic plan document of 2010-2014 reflects the institution broad action plans and the strategic thrusts practices such as planning and control systems, performance targets, direct supervision, and some social and cultural processes. The study found out that some of these practices just end on the paper, they are never applied for example, the study revealed that TUM has no standards of performance against which actual results can be measured, the reward system is also a major obstacle. The study also established that while the practices at TUM are used to support the implementation of strategies, some aspects like the organization structure and culture, resistance to change, unsupportive processes and procedures, uncontrollable factors in the environment like competition, inadequate training of staff and inadequate resources are among the major impediments to successful implementation of the institution strategies. This study is presented in five chapters with various sections discussing the above issues. The reliability and validity of this study should be understood and evaluated on the basis of the constraints on the study as expressed in chapter five. This study is especially useful toTUM and other similar institutions in Kenya. It should also benefit strategic management scholars, higher education policy makers and organization managers whose duties include formulation and implementation of strategies.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi,en
dc.titleChallenges and practices of strategy implementation at Technical University of Mombasaen
local.publisherSchool of business,en

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