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dc.contributor.authorWachira, Daisy W
dc.identifier.citationMaster Of Business Administrationen_US
dc.description.abstractQuality management practices has been an area that has been extensively researched (Kayanak, 2003). However no research has been conducted within the context of performance of Supermarkets in Nairobi. This research is aimed at exploring the relationship between quality management practices and performance in the Retail Industry (i.e. Supermarkets). The study sample size was 44 respondents from selected departments within supermarkets. The research employed a cross-sectional survey design i.e. it cut across high, medium and low performing supermarkets. Factor analysis and Regression analysis was used to establish the significant factors and further establish the relationship between quality management practices and performance respectively. The critical management practices were identified then a model linking these practices and performance was proposed then tested. This study established that organizational performance is largely (i.e. 75.5%) influenced by the implementation of quality management practices. The study was also able to identify specific quality management practices that were deemed to have an effect on operational performance. The study also identified a number of challenges that the managers faced in implementing the QMP. Five major challenges were identified ranging from technology advancement, lack of adequate training, poor leadership qualities, and lack of adequate skills. This study focused on supermarkets located in Nairobi and therefore, generalizations cannot adequately extend to other supermarkets outside Nairobi. Future research should therefore focus on all organizations in Kenya both in the private and public sectors. A broad based study on QMP and performance in both private and public organizations and their performance should also be carried out.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleQuality management practices and performance of supermarkets in Nairobien_US

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