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dc.contributor.authorUniversity of Nairobi
dc.description.abstractThe University of Nairobi (UoN) has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU), China that will not only see a students' exchange programme set up but also develop short-term exchange courses. Both parties have agreed to collaborate in development of educational programmes and cultural exchanges based on favourable discussions and mutual benefits. The understanding will see to the development of collaboration research projects and hold academic workshops, joint educational programmes and short-term seminars in specific fields and exchange academic information, educational and research materials and publications. There will also be staff exchange programmes and researchers. Speaking on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Isaac Mbeche, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Students Affairs, welcomed the initiative dubbing it as timely, especially in regard to the University’s commitment in improving the quality of higher education in the country. On his part, Prof. Wu Fengmin, President, ZJNU, said that the partnership will be a new and exciting opportunity for students and members of staff from both Universities. Prof. Henry Mutoro, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs and Prof. Enos Njeru, Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, are among those who witnessed the signing of the MoUen_US
dc.titleStudents to benefit from UoN and ZJNU partnershipen_US

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