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dc.contributor.authorMarenya, P.Phiri
dc.contributor.authorOluoch - Kosura, W.
dc.contributor.authorOtieno, D. Jakinda
dc.contributor.authorDe Groote, Hugo
dc.identifier.citationP.Phiri Marenya, W.Oluoch - Kosura, D.Jakinda Otieno and Hugo De Groote (2004). The effect of intergender differential access to land on adoption of agricultural technologi es and the distribution of resulting benefits. A case study of improved maize varieties and fertilizer in Siaya district, Kenya. A Research Report submitted to the ASARECA/ECAPAPA under the theme ‘Integrating the gender factor in agricultural developmenten_US
dc.titleThe effect of intergender differential access to land on adoption of agricultural technologi es and the distribution of resulting benefitsen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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