Approaches applied by church organisations in management of real property in Nairobi
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Gichungi, Rahab W
Show full item recordAbstract
This study has been devoted to assessing the property management approaches practiced by
the church organizations with special reference to the Presbyterian Church of East Africa,
Anglican Church of Kenya, All Africa Conference of Churches and Nairobi Baptist Church
Ngong Road.
The study deals in detail with the history of the four church organizations and how they got
their property and how they are currently managing them.
There are five chapters in the study. Each of the four case studies portrays unique problems
and attributes related to the size of the Church organisation in terms of represented
congregations, the numbers of commercial properties owned, policy of the organisation and
to some extent the age of the organisation.
The first introductory chapter covers the general introduction to the study, the problem
statement, study objectives, significance of the study, the research methodology and the
scope of the study.
Chapter two consist of a review of literature related to study of management, the
management theories, organisation structures, their development and the management
aspects as applied in real property management. A study of estate management practice and
recorded literature in view to property owned by other churches is also part of chapter two,
which then develops a model relating management concepts with real estate management
Chapter three describes the Church view to real property, the Biblical teachings on property,
history of the four church organizations, the property owned and their organization
structures, which reflects on the management on decision making concerning the properties
and therefore effectiveness in management.
Chapter four deals with data analysis or the findings of the study. The data collected in the
field was analysed in relation to the principles of management discussed in chapter two, thus
the researcher was able to evaluate the management approaches how effective they are and
what their weaknesses are.
Finally chapter five gives the study conclusions and recommendations for further research.
Degree Of Masters Of Arts in valuation and property managementPublisher
University Of Nairobi
A project paper submitted in part fulfillment for
the Degree Of Masters Of Arts
in valuation and property management