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dc.contributor.authorMsuya, Lucklambert K
dc.identifier.citationDepartment of Urban and Regional Planning,en_US
dc.description.abstractTourist Industry has proved to be among the major economic activities In many countries of the world. Despite the difficulties Involved In evaluating quantitively the revenue from this sector, the amount of foreign exchange accrued from tourist business In many nations proves Its significance In the contribution towards development and especially In Ironing out trade deficits. For a developing country like Tanzania, the role of tourism In balancing of payments is of vital Importance since the country always experiences an unfavourable balance of payments with regards to the difference between the monetary value of exports and Imports. Given the resource potentiality of tourist attractions In Tanzania and particularly in the Northern Tourist Circuit, there is a need for planners, especially physical planners, to get involved In the process of formulating development strategies for the tourist sector. Such plans should ensure that tourism is considered as one of the important sectors in the economy which should function complimentarilly with other sectors and not as a separate entity. Arusha town being the centre of the Northern Tourist Circuit, the study attempts to relate the capability of tourist facilities, institutions, and the whole infrastructure with the hinterland which is well endowed with different varieties of tourist attractions in the Ki perspective of a major purpose of enhensing the development of an efficient tourist industry. From the study, It has been observed that there are various problems which arise and hinder a smooth running of tourist activities. Lack of a co-ordinated and comprehensive plan for tourist industry in the area Is the main constraint behind the identified problems in the study. Arising from the above problems, it has been recommended that the appropralte strategy for an efficient tourist industry should be that of adopting an integrated tourist plan which Is comprehensive. It has, therefore, been suggested that all the tourist activities should be treated as interrelated functions within a common system and not as a separate entity. At the same time, tourism should not be regarded as a separate sector within the economy, Instead Its inter-dependence with other economic sectors should be given emphasis, particularly when considering the need for conservation of natural resources which are not only Important to tourism, but also for the future generation. The success of recommendations given In this study will enable proper formulation of an Integrated plan including tourism a£ among the major sectors and guide a proper growth of Arusha town as a tourist centre. The recommendations will also offer the basis for planning of future tourist activities and the modelling of existing ones to suit the above ideals.
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleA study on the capability of Arusha town as a tourist centre of the Northern tourist circuit in Tanzaniaen_US

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