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dc.contributor.authorTembo, M.
dc.contributor.authorMunyati, M. O.
dc.contributor.authorHatwaambo, S
dc.contributor.authorMaaza, S
dc.identifier.citationEfficiency Enhancement in P3HT:PCBlVI Blends using Squarylium III Dve" J" . ) J ' M. Tern b o ,M. O. Munvati, S Hatwaambo ,\'J. .vl aaza ' 'Department of Physics, School ofNarural Sciences, University of Z~II11bia, P.O. Box 32379, Lusaka, 10101 Zambia. !Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences, University of Zambia, P.O, Box 32379, Lusaka, 10101 Zambia. 'Nanosciences Laboratories, Materials Research Department. iThe mba LABS, P.O. Box 722. Somerset West 7129, Western Cape, South r\ frica.en_US
dc.description.abstractNano-size thin films comprising poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HTi and 3 fullerene derivative [6, 6] PhenylC,-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBl"l) incorporating squaryliurn dyes III (sq3) are reported. The materials prepared were evaluated for their optical, e le ctrical and phOIO'(\'I1\ er51011 efficiency. i\bterials comp: ising a blend ratio I :0.6: I of P3HT:SQ3:PCBM \\ ere de pos itcd b~ <pin-coating or screen printing to produce thin films measuring 100 11m and subsequently annealed at l-l(l'(' [or ] 0 min. The films were characterized by UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy for their optic al prope n ie s. .uomic force microscopy fur surface morphology and film thickness, and electrical properties Optical measurements for blends incorporating different amounts of dye showed increased photo-absorbance with increasing dye concentration. The combined contribution of squarylium ]]1 dye and thermal annealing resulted in increased power conversion efficiency (11) or pristine P3HT:PCBl\1 solar cells from 2.8 % to 3.9 ~(' The dye in the active layer improved photo-absorption by enhanced light han'esting while thermal treatment improved the nanoscale morphology leading to better metal-film interface contact and broadening of the absorpt ion wave length range.en_US
dc.titleEfficiency Enhancement in P3HT:PCB Blends using Squarylium III Dye"en_US

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