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dc.contributor.authorKithuku, Simon M
dc.description.abstractKenya is a water scarce country and it has been grappling with many management problems of trying to improve water services provision to its population. The water sector has thus undergone major structural reforms aimed at improving water service provision. Several institutions, key among them water services boards have been formed to help in the management of this scarce and yet essential resource. The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors influencing water sector reforms in Tanathi Water Services Board. Due to the broad nature of the study the survey research design precluded randomized sampling technique because it was difficult to sufficiently visit all the other 7 water boards to make the research statistically valid. Data was collected using a questionnaire for all the staff categories within the board. To establish validity of the questionnaire, pretesting was done by administering to colleagues who are knowledgeable in the subject area and research methodology in order to ensure that there are no double meanings or ambiguities in the items. To collect data the questionnaire was personally administered by the researcher .Qualitative data was be analyzed by developing themes related to the specific objectives. Quantitative data was analyzed using frequency distribution tables. The participants were given assurance that they will remain anonymous in order to uphold privacy as well as confidentiality.From the study findings many small- scale water service providers (WSPs) have well documented weaknesses. These providers typically lack both access to finance and the technical and managerial capacity to use finance effectively. They also face resistance from the formal public utilities, lack legal status or tenure and provide services that are largely unregulated in terms of both the price and quality. It was also found that the five year strategic plan provided by TWSB was not linked to the business plans of its agents (WSPs) hence making it very hard to predict their economic efficiency. It also came out from the study that there are no clear guidelines for the provision and regulation of private sector involvement in the financing and management of water supply and sewerage services in order to supplement efficiently the Government efforts in supplying the poor people with water The study recommends the board to develop it as well as linking its five year strategic plans to the business plans of the water service providers (WSPs) under its jurisdiction. Funds from the parent ministry/donor partners aresometimes diverted to other water services boards or misappropriated hence the study recommends timely and adequate budgetary allocation for Tanathi water services board.. Implementation of transfer planof both physical assets and staff essential for implementation of water sector reforms hence the study recommends fullimplementation of the transfer plan of physical assets and staffen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing the implementation of Water sector reforms in Kenya: A case of Tanathi water services board in Kituien_US

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