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dc.contributor.authorKorir, Mercy C
dc.identifier.citationMaster of Business Administration , University of Nairobi, 2014en_US
dc.description.abstractChange is an alteration of a company’s strategy, organization or culture as a result of changes in its environment. Static competitive environment has been replaced by an increasingly dynamic uncertain environment thus organizational flexibility is getting more and more attention, which is the most important factor to acquire the future competitive advantage. While much has been written in the recent years about the concept of change management and competitive advantage, few organizations today truly have an effective, repeatable, project-level change management process and yet it is one of the most critical success factors for the organization County Government Of Bomet has been implementing various strategic change processes in order to improve their performance The county has changed its organization structure, its strategic focus, its employee size and composition and also its executive orientation. The changes have been brought about by the changing structures of the government from centralization to devolved government system. It is therefore important to find out the strategic change management practices at County Government of Bomet. The study sought to find out; strategic changes brought about by County Government of Bomet in Kenya to improve performance? The study used a case study research design. The target population was the executive committee if the County Government of Bomet. The study used purposive sampling technique to select the sample. Primary data collected using interview guides was analyzed using content analysis. From the findings, the strategic change management practices adopted by County Government of Bomet are; establishing change control process, people involvement in the strategic change process, adoption of new technologies, training of staff members. Therefore, County Government of Bomet has adopted diverse strategic change management practices. This would ensure that they managed change in the county systematically and ensure a smooth transition of the county government would be achieved. The county faced diverse challenges that slowed down the strategic change management process. The study recommends that the executives of County Government of Bomet should address the major challenges facing the management of strategic change to streamline the change process and enhance the success of the strategic change management in the county government. The executives of the County Government of Bomet should continuously evaluate the strategic change management initiatives being implemented in order to undertake the necessary correctional measures in the change process. The County Government of Bomet should conduct a research and pretest the different strategic change management practices to ensure that only the best practices are implemented.en_US
dc.titleStrategic Changes Brought About by Bomet County in Kenya to Improve Performanceen_US

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