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dc.contributor.authorOnduko, Sarah N
dc.identifier.citationMasters of Arts in International Studiesen_US
dc.description.abstractDemocracy in Africa has not been easily forthcoming despite the existence of a comprehensive democratic framework by the African Union. Arguably, Africa has made progress minimal despite the democratisation challenges witnessed in the region. The African Leaders on whom the responsibility of promoting and implementing democratic principles and norms, have not prioritized it and those who are attempting, do it for the sole purpose of self gratification. The general objective of this study was to establish the democratisation challenges in Africa and determine the role of the African Union as a regional organization. Specific Objectives were; to determine the democratic framework within the African Union by exploring the policies and programmes instituted to promote democracy in Africa. Consequently, establish the role of leaders in democratization in Africa. The study relied on secondary data to conduct an in-depth analysis of already existing scholarly materials, journals, Civil Society reports, media reports, study findings in the fields of Democracy, democratization, Regional Organisation, African Union and Leadership in Africa. The study reviewed existing data on African Union democratic framework, unearthing the role that the different organs of the AU do towards democratisation in Africa, analyse the and collate information on a few African leaders push towards democractization in Africa since the inception of the AU, understanding their role. From this gathered information, the study drawn its own findings and evaluated them against the theoretical framework provided. The study concludes that Africa has made modest progress towards democratisation. Consequently, the African Union and the various instruments and programmes that promote and implement democratic agenda provide a broad framework that if utilized well will steer Africa into a democratic continent. It is imperative to note, from the study that the democratic framework has both functional and structural challenges albeit a tool that can move Africa forward. In addition, the study also has underscored that leaders have a critical role in executing the democratic agenda in Africa. Democratic leaders that represent and act in their citizens’ interests are treated with respect and consideration, whereas non democratic leader that use violence and oppression against their own people are regarded with mistrust and suspicion. One of the first problems within AU system is the existence of too many institutions with possibly conflicting functions. Harmonization of roles to avoid conflict in execution of their work should be defined clearly. This will also mitigate against duplication of roles and resources. The study recommends that, it is the African leaders and citizens whose lives and fortunes depend on democracy who must accept and bear the responsibility for its survival. Democratic reform ultimately depends on citizens to make choices, frame options and initiate changesen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleDemocratisation challenges in Africa and the role of the African unionen_US

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