The effects of financial literacy on personal investment decisions in real estate in Nairobi count
This study assessed the financial literacy of the
real estate investors
who invested in the
real estate industry in Nairobi County. In addition, it examined the relationsh
ip between
financial literacy and the influence of the factors that affect the investment decision. The
objective of the study was to establish the effect of financial literacy on personal
investment decision making by
real estate investors
. This study emp
loyed a
research design.
The target population of this study was the real estate investors in
Nairobi County.
A modified questionnaire was developed and divided into three parts.
The first part covers demographic variables. The second part cove
rs the issues regarding
personal investment decision making while the third part identifies several financial
literacy factors affecting the investment decision by
real estate investors
in Nairobi. Out
of a target population
of 140, 115
were us
ed in the study. The results
indicated that the financial literacy of the
real estate investors
is far from the needed
level. The financial literacy level was found
have a significant effect on investment
decision making by
real estate investors
. To ach
ieve optimal outcomes in this complex
making environment requires decision
makers to have adequate levels of
financial knowledge and skills. The call for enhanced financial literacy amongst
consumers is a global phenomenon, driven by the growing c
omplexity of financial
markets and products.
The study
was limited due to
sample of respondents
which was
because of data collection cost. The design used was ex
research design where the researcher had no control over the independ
ent variables
because the effects of financial literacy on investment decisions had already occurred.
The study recommends for further study in the impact of inflation rates on investment
decisions and ways to mitigate against sudden losses due to inflatio
n fluctuation. The
study also recommends further study into the effect of non
financial factors on the
process of making investment decisions
University of Nairobi