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dc.contributor.authorManita, Sharma
dc.description.abstracthe broad objective for this study was to find out the extent of community resilience to the landslides in Sindhupalchowk district in the central hilly region of Nepal. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the potential t hreats of landslides to the communities living in Sindhupalchowk district, to establish the level of awareness of communities in Sindhupalchowk district on their vulnerability to landslides, to determine the push and pull factors for residing in landslide prone areas and to establish the community resilience strategies to the landslides in the district. Theory of reasoned action and planned behaviour were used to explain the relationship between the study variables . This study used descriptive research design. It was carried out in Sindhupalchowk District in Nepal. The population for the study was the communities living in the District. The study targeted members of the community and government administration at the l ocal level such as VDC secretaries and NGO staff. Purposive sampling technique was used to sample the area chiefs while simple random sampling technique was used to sample the members of the community in the District. A total of 6 0 respondents were sampled for the study , out of which 58 respon ded giving a response rate of 9 6 . 7 percent . Similarly, 3 staff from local NGOs and 3 personnel from VDC secretaries participated as the key informants in the study. Questionnaires, interview schedules and observation c hecklist were used as instruments for data collection. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from members of the local communities and VDC secretarie s while interview schedules to collect data fro m representatives from NGOs operating in the ar ea. Two f ocus group discussions w ere carried out by members of the local communit ies . Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics while content analysis technique was used to analyze qualitative data collected using interview schedules. Sta tistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) package was used to analyze the quantitative data. On the potential threats of landslides include: loss of life, health risks such as injuries during landslide; pollution of water creating scarcity of drinking water, inaccessibility to facilities such as health and school after landslide, loss of property and crops, destruction of roads and soil erosion. On the awareness of the community members on their vulnerability to landslides, the study found that 50 perce nt of the respondents indicated that the community was highly vulnerable to landslides, 42 percent of the respondents indicated that they were moderately vulnerable while 8 percent indicated that they were less vulnerable. On the push and pull factors behi nd residence in landslide prone areas, the study found that 83.3 percent of the respondents indicated that residents cannot afford land in safer areas to a very large extent, 47.2 percent o f the respondents indicated ethnic reasons to be a push factor to a very large extent, while 47.2 percent of the respondents indicated that landslide disaster being preventable is a pull factor to a neutral extent. Community resilience strategies included: construction of safer houses, relocating to safe places, planting of trees, construction of fences, use of early warning systems and crop diversification. The study recommended that the government of Nepal should relocate the affected population to safer areas. The study finally recommended that another study to be done on the ways of improving the lives of communities living in other landslide prone d istricts which was not the concern of this studyen_US
dc.titleCommunity resilience to landslides: Case study of Sindhupalchowk district in Nepalen_US

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