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dc.contributor.authorMugwe, Milkah
dc.identifier.citationMasters of Public Administration Degree, University of Nairbien_US
dc.description.abstractThis study adopted a survey carried out at Postal Corporation of Kenya based on a strategic plan period of 2007 to 2012. The researcher wanted to establish management employees perception’s on training, motivation and their effects on the set performance targets for the period of study. The researcher wanted to investigate the effects of the three predictor variables namely: value perception, staff motivation and training on performance targets. The study confirmed that the independent variables were closely related to the dependent variable. One hundred employees from four key departments namely Operations and Customer service, Courier and Parcels, Mails and Financial services were targeted to respond to the questionnaires. The researcher adopted descriptive study design where by population means, standard deviation and variance were used as statistical tools to aid analysis. Disproportionate sampling method was used to apportion the population into four major stratums which were used to draw inferences. The data was analyzed using SPSS software for data analysis and presented in bar graphs and tables. The study found out that training of staff had a major influence on the attainment of set targets at PCK. Other influencing aspects of HRM that positively influenced performance targets were the strategic implementation of HRM policies at PCK, the existence of sound training policy, remuneration levels of staff as well as strategic HRM aspects in the organization. The study results also gives support for the assertion that the way employees perceive human resource practices is significantly related to performance targets attainment. This study was not without limitations. Some of the Postal Corporation of Kenya management employees who were interviewed were suspicious of the intentions of the study and hesitated to participate in this study. Also; this study was a case study on management employee’s perceptions on attainment of performance targets at PCK. Clearly, the applicability and generalizability of these study findings will only be limited to PCK. The researcher therefore, recommends that further research be undertaken Results occasioned by training show that the quality factors that improved tremendously were; Morale of staff increased and had an average score of compared with a mean of 3.345 for the previous 5 years. Customer complaints also reduced drastically from a mean of 6.654 for the years prior to the study period to a mean of 4.6726. Reduced customer complaints were found to increase customer satisfaction. This had the overall effect of increasing sales and profits as reflected in the financial reports of the firm. The study concluded by confirming the hypothesis as affirmative since employees perceptions on training and motivation were found to be directly and positively enhancing the attainment of set targets at PCKen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titlePerceptions of postal corporation of Kenya management level employees on performance targets of 2007 – 2012en_US

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