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dc.contributor.authorNgugi, Anthony M
dc.description.abstractIn the recent times, computer systems have been employed intensively to solve physical security challenges. This has been catalyzed by the nature of security that is dynamically changing on a daily basis. Numerous intelligence security systems have been developed, however they lack capacity to collect process and exchange intelligence needed for timely action. The systems cannot detect crimes before they happen because they are only made to be reactive in nature. The data is presented in different formats making the process of analysis and exchange a complex endeavor. The purpose of this project is to address physical security issues by providing and exchanging sensitive security information quickly for prompt action and provide an information exchange platform that can be adopted by any certified security organ. This is facilitated by recording of intelligence collected into the database as soon as it is obtained and disseminate it immediately to the people interested. This study embarked on Multi agent system for monitoring security intelligence information. The main function was broken into five main functions namely:- Authentication of users, uploading of new intelligence, Information parsing, sending of email alerts, searching for intelligence Several agents were identified which includes and not limited to Database agent, communication agent, authentication agent, user and email agent. Prometheus methodology was adopted for analysis and design of the multi agent system. The implementation was done using Java Agent development Environment (JADE Platform) and MySql database. The prototype was evaluated by a group of security officers from a state corporation. In terms of overall system functionality 95% of Officers rated it excellent while 5% rated it good. Future work proposed is application of agents for business competitive advantage and combination of data mining tools and techniques to pull information from rich data repositoryen_US
dc.titleAgent-based security information monitoren_US

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