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dc.creatorHughes, Rees
dc.identifierHughes, Rees (1985) Human capital: the wealth of nations or drain on resources?. Working Papers 428, Nairobi: Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
dc.descriptionThis is a preliminary summary of some of the findings of the University of Nairobi Tracer Study. The Tracer Study began with a sample of approximately 450 graduates from the University of Nairobi, taken randomly from the years 1970, 1975, 1979, and 1983. Subjects were chosen from the Faculty of Arts (primarily Sociology), the Faculty of Science (primarily Maths and Chemistry), and the Faculty of Commerce. Of the nearly 90 percent that were located, 291 responded to a mailed questionnaire. Of those, 27 were interviewed in greater depth. The focus of all questions concerned employment and educational history following graduation. The results are reported by year, by Faculty, by socioeconomic status, by academic performance, and by sex. Under each section some or all of the following six questions are addressed: 1) who employs University of Nairobi graduates? 2) To what extern do graduates utilise their University training on the job? 3) What is the pattern of job mobility of graduates? 4) How much do graduates earn? 5) What further formal training do graduates pursue? 6) Where do University of Nairobi graduates work?
dc.publisherInstitute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
dc.relationWorking Papers.;428
dc.rightsInstitute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
dc.subjectWork and Labour
dc.titleHuman capital: the wealth of nations or drain on resources?
dc.typeSeries paper (non-IDS)

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