Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Effects of Gibberellic Acid (GA,) on Sprouting and Quality of Potato Seed Tubers in Diffused Light and Pit Storage Conditions 

      Shibairo, SI; Gachango, E; Kabira, J N.; Demo, P; Gildemacher, P; Narla, R D.; Chemining'wa, G N.; Nyankanga., R O.; Menza, M ('Department of plant Science and Crop Protection. University of Nairobi'Internalional Potato Centre, Sub-Sahara Region, Kenya'Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, National Potato Research Centre, Kenya, 2006)
      Abstract: Effects of gibberellic acid (GA,) on dormancy termination, sprouting and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum) seed tubers stored for 12 weeks in Diffused Light Store (DLS) and for 2 weeks in pi: were determined ...