Now showing items 21389-21408 of 24545

    • Strategic Planning And Performance Of Distributors Of Animal Genetic Resources In Kenya 

      Onono, Joshua O (University Of Nairobi, 2016)
      The distributors of animal genetic resources in Kenya contribute to growth and productivity of livestock industry, through enhancement of access to quality animal genetic resources to the livestock farming communities. ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of Enablis East Africa 

      Mungai, Trizah W (University of Nairobi, 2015)
      Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set goals, focus energy and resources, strengthen operation and ensures that employees and other stakeholders are working towards the common ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of Kca University in Kenya 

      Odhiang, Brenda, O (University of Nairobi, 2016)
      Strategic Planning is an important ingredient for organizational growth, development performance and change Management. Managers make decisions on a day to day basis that directly affect organizational performance in a ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of Nairobi County, Kenya 

      David, Evance O (university of nairobi, 2018)
      Strategic planning includes various organizational practices including strategies employed, choosing the best course of action and direction and making effective decision towards resource allocation to help achievement of ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Firms in Kenya 

      Owuor, Ephraim; O (University of Nairobi, 2018)
      Kenya has rolled out four key agendas to aid in the accomplishment of its blue print, vision 2030. Manufacturing and Health sectors top the priorities towards making significant contributions to the country’s GDP. Manufacturing ...
    • Strategic planning and performance of public secondary schools in Kajiado north sub-county, Kenya 

      Onkundi, Naomi N (University of Nairobi, 2015-11)
      scanning, strategy formulation, linking goals to budgets and strategic planning as a process (Wagner, 2006). Many researchers argue that the correlation of strategic planning and performance has not been clearly established ...
    • Strategic Planning And Performance Of Public Secondary Schools In Kisumu East District, Kenya 

      Opiyo, Gode H (University of Nairobi, 2011)
      While public organizations arc now encouraging the practice of strategic planning, its influence on organizations performance is still a subject of great debate. Strategic planning is a new phenomenon in most of the schools ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of Public Secondary Schools in Rarieda District, Kenya 

      Okwako, Damary A (University of Nairobi, 2013-11)
      Many scholars and authors argue that the correlation of strategic planning and performance has not been clearly established and that although strategic planning is not the sole contributor to high firm performance, firms ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of Secondary Schools in Limuru Sub County, Kenya 

      Kobia, Beth K (University of Nairobi, 2017)
      There is no consensus on whether strategic planning has a positive influence on performance. Various researchers and authors possess divergent views leading to inconsistent planning-performance findings. Although strategic ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of the Petroleum Firms in Kenya 

      Atakos, Claire M (University of NairobiSchool of Business, 2013)
      Driven by cost conscious customers, increasing competition, stringent regulatory requirements and technological changes and innovations, petroleum firms in Kenya are constantly searching for new ways to obtain better ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of the State Corporations of the Government of Kenya 

      Mwai, Martin M (University of Nairobi, 2013-11)
      Strategic planning is a vital step in the process of decision making in an organization. It is useful in the identification of the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats facing an enabled the ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund of Kenya 

      Mwatata, Juma M (University of Nairobi, 2015)
      In a competitive business environment, effective strategic planning is necessary for an organization to survive and make appreciable contribution in their business units by identifying the prevailing environmental opportunities ...
    • Strategic planning and performance of University of Nairobi 

      Mumba, Emmanuel C (University of Nairobi, 2015-11)
      Strategic planning is effective in envisioning a desired future and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a series of steps to attain them. Strategic planning is used to set priorities, ...
    • Strategic Planning and Performance Rating of Insurance Companies in Kenya 

      Maina, Margaret W (University of Nairobi, 2014-10)
      The concept of strategic planning seems unavoidable if any organization is to succeed especially in the insurance industry in Kenya. Strategic planning is a predictive process of what an organization would want its future ...
    • Strategic Planning and Profitability at Equity Bank Kenya Limited 

      Githagui, Morgan K (University Of Nairobi, 2014-10)
      Strategic planning has its roots in Greek mythology and refers to the process of setting longterm organizational objectives, developing and executing plans to achieve these objectives, and providing financial and ...
    • Strategic Planning at Athi Water Services Board in Kenya 

      Gitau, Cynthia W (University of NairobiSchool of Business, 2013-11)
      This report documents the findings of a study on strategic planning that was conducted at Athi Water Services Board in Kenya. Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and ...
    • Strategic Planning at Compassion International Kenya 

      Gichira, Charles G (University of Nairobi.School of Business Studies, 2009-11)
      Strategic planning has long been used as a tool for transforming and revitalizing corporations, government agencies and NGOs. Recently, however, skepticism about strategic planning has been on the rise. Political and ...
    • Strategic planning at East African Breweries Limited 

      Muriuki, Wangechi (University of NairobiSchool of Business, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2005)
      The research was undertaken in order to understand strategic planning at East African Breweries Limited. The objective of the study was to investigate and document the strategic planning system at East African Breweries ...
    • Strategic planning at Equity Bank Kenya Limited 

      Gatome, Janet G (University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2012)
      The importance of effective strategic planning is recognized by most organizations. Majority of organizations understand the need to clearly identify their mission and objectives, their priorities and targets for improvement, ...
    • Strategic Planning at Family Bank Limited, Kenya 

      Muchira, Muchira G (University of Nairobi, 2012)
      Organizations have continually come up with decisions that are future oriented which leads to realization of their mission and vision. This is as a result of the overwhelming competition in the market; hence financial ...