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dc.contributor.authorUniversity of Nairobi
dc.description.abstractThe research project will consist of students’ partnerships in which an upper primary pupil is trained to work with a younger child to conduct structured reading sessions. The project brings together researchers specifically from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES), York-Institute for Effective Education and Concordia University, Canada with the disciplines of education, psychology and economics. Speaking during the memorandum of understanding signing ceremony, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Peter Mbithi welcomed the initiative noting that the University is committed to meeting its responsibilities. He challenged the stakeholders of the understanding to strengthen the people factor in the project and transform how teaching, research and dissemination of research is done. CEES will bring capacity and expertise to research and provide training in the teaching of early grade reading. The principal investigator from CEES will be Dr. Justus Inyega from the Department of Educational Communication Technology. According to Dr. Inyega, UoN will provide training, coaching and observation in schools and data collection for a two year period as part of the research project. Prof. Frank Hardman, Institute for Effective Education, University of York, said that the institute’s mission is to develop, evaluate and disseminate effective programmes and promote evidence-based educational policies in order to beneficially impact teaching policies and practices throughout the world. Prof. Hardman was accompanied by Dr. Pam Hanley. Prof. Henry Mutoro, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs, Prof. William Ogara, Director, Center for International Programmes and Linkages and a team from Department of Educational Communication Technology, are among those who witnessed the signing of the MoU.en_US
dc.titleUoN collaborates with York in ESRC-DFID Research projecten_US

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