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dc.contributor.authorWeda, John O
dc.contributor.authorMwangi, Anne W
dc.identifier.citationJohn Okello Weda, Anne Wambui Mwangi. Human Factors and Child’s Safety: A Review of Charitable Children’s Institutions in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya. Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015, pp. 47-56en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the in fluence human factors of Charitable Children’s Inst itutions on child safety in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya. The obj ectives of this study were, to examine the extent t o which staff competency and staff commitment in a charitable children’s ins titution influence their safety, to assess how staf f competencies in charitable children’s institutions influence child safety. Thi s study was conducted through descriptive survey de sign methodology. It employed stratified sampling, simple random samplin g and purposive sampling techniques. The main tools for collecting data included questionnaires, and interview schedule. Da ta were analyzed using descriptive statistics and f indings presented in tables. Key findings of the study indicate that Charitable Children’s Institutions in Kisumu Municipality are able to provide the children with meals at least three times a day though some l ack health and nutrition programs. Most have not fu lly embraced children’s rights specifically on the right of participation. Their children have diminished opportunities for th eir psychosocial needs to be met and are not prepared to cope with disasters lik e fire. The majority of the children were happy wit h the services they receive from the staff who were widely experienced in their work. However professional staff in all areas of s ervice is missing in these institutions. Some institutional policy statements that were meant to protect the wellbeing of the chi ldren were taken for granted by staff and management. Psychosocial needs of the children should be addressed by providing opportuni ties for quality interaction among the children and with professiona l children workers. Disaster preparedness plan that include practical drills with the children must be in place. Staffs must be adequate, competent and experienced.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.subjectHuman Factors, Charitable Children’s Institutions, Kisumu Municipalityen_US
dc.titleHuman factors and child’s safety: A Review of charitable children’s institutions in Kisumu Municipality, Kenyaen_US

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