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dc.contributor.authorWango, Geoffrey
dc.identifier.citationWango, Geoffrey (2015). Guidance and counselling in schools in Kenya: principals use of counselling skills. Abstracts of the 2nd africe international conference held at kenya science campus on 18-23rd July 2015en_US
dc.description.abstractChild or s tudent counse l ling is a process in which the counsel l or attempts to understand and helps to clarify those feelings in a child or stu dent that may, and can impede growth, maturation, and overall well - being . The counsellor in the s chool has to regularly confront sensitive issues in the lives of a pupil or student , families and members of teach ing and support staff. Issues includ e love re lationships, depression, suicid al att e mpts , alcohol and drug abuse, sexual activity, parent - child relationships and self injurious behaviours . The manner in which thes e issues are handled has profound effects on the well - being of pupils and students, their relationship with teachers and family , the school’s relationships with families, school culture, and on learning and general achievement. It must be emphasized that the school principal as the chief executive bear s the ultimate responsibility for all scho ol programmes including the school guidance and counselling programme s . To fulfil the academic and oth er responsibilities, principals must understand the counse l ling program me s , procedures and work with the counsel l or in the school to ensure th e series max imally benefit pupils and students within their jurisdiction . In particular, principals and counsellors maintain amicable relationships with pupils and students, teachers , parents and support staff . Principals consult with the counsel l or about the handling of cases which present particular difficulties and others that touch upon the school’s interests . This includes acute cases of emotional disturbance, illness , indiscipline , crime, violence and drug abuse . This paper advances that b oth the principal and co unsellor require training in counselling and principals should make use of counselling skills while operat ing within counselling professional ethical and legal guidelinesen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleGuidance and counselling in schools in Kenya: principals use of counselling skillsen_US

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