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dc.contributor.authorMusambayi, Emmanuel L
dc.description.abstractA strategy is a company's management action plan for runmng the business and conducting operations efficiently and successfully. Therefore the most important thing for an organization today is the extent to which it is able to implement its strategy in a competitive business environment. Though Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are good vehicles of development at the grass root in Kenya, their progress is hampered by strategy implementation challenges. They operate in a highly competitive environment that requires constant situational analysis and adaptation to the prevailing conditions. This cross-sectional survey sought to identify strategy implementation challenges inherent in CBOs working in Nairobi County. The survey findings revealed the following challenges as the most common hindering strategy implementation in CBOs in Nairobi: poor organizational structures; weak culture and poorly nurtured organizational values; inadequate and poor resource allocation for strategy implementation; dim communication channels and uncoordinated operations; poor staff rewards; and weak monitoring and evaluation systems. There is need to address these challenges to ensure efficient and effective strategy implementation. Suggested measures include streamlining staff reward and motivation mechanism, instituting staff development program for skills enhancement, beef up fundraising and adequate resource allocation, ensure participation of all key stakeholders in strategy formulation and implementation processes, and developing an effective communication system to ensure effective information sharing.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleChallenges of strategy implementation in community based organizations in Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MBA)en_US

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