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dc.contributor.authorSamoei, Ebby J
dc.description.abstractVernacular radio stations such as Kass FM play a major role in promoting food security in the rural areas. Through the radio station the illiterate and the semi- literate community members are informed and educated on new farming techniques that would ensure that they are food secure. The information learnt from Kass FM as enabled the Kalenjin community to have access and availability of food that would provide them with the required dietary needs to be productive and healthy. This study purposed to establish the influence of Kass FM in the promotion of food security among the Tugen in Perkerra Sub-location; Marigat division of Baringo County. The study was guided by three objectives which focused on the effectiveness of Kass FM in empowering the community towards food security, establishing the extent to which the dialects used were understood by the Tugen community and finally to find out the new skills that the community has implemented from the knowledge learnt. The two theories that were used are Information Processing Theory and Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Information processing theory propagates that individuals are more receptive to information that either address a need or that are familiar to them. The diffusion of Innovation theory explains the various processes that new innovations undergo in social system so as to be adopted. The study embraced descriptive survey design with a consideration to both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. A sample of 182 was considered for the study. Data was collected using interview guides. The data was analysed using SPSS and presented by use of graphs, charts and tables. Key findings from the study were; Kass FM positively contributed to promoting food security in Perkerra Sub-location by informing the community about national and regional issues. This was by capitalizing on information provided regarding emerging markets that the community could sell their products as well as price comparison from various markets. Secondly, a blend of various dialects were used to communicate on Kass FM thus enhancing understanding from the Tugen community except for the Aror sub-dialect. The community had learnt and implemented new skills from Kass FM which include drought resistant crops to plant, market intelligence and water harvesting and irrigation. This study recommends that Kass FM appoints and work with a dedicated brand ambassador to address issues of food security across the Kalenjin community. Secondly, Kass FM to have a show hosted by an Aror speaking presenter or co-presenter so as to ensure inclusivity of the Aror community.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleThe Influence of Kass Fm in the Promotion of Food Security Among the Tugen in Perkerra Sub-location. A Case Study of Marigat Division of Baringo Countyyen_US

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