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dc.contributor.authorInduli, Jemitah S
dc.description.abstractThe research study was carried out to identify integration of people and business dimension of change at Eregi TTC, Kenya. It came on the backdrop of the fact that most change initiatives fail to achieve the desired result because there was no consideration for integration of the people and business dimensions of change. The research project was conducted by collecting primary qualitative data, captured using a comprehensive interview guide and administered through direct personal interviews, to interviewees who work in different positions and are directly involved in diverse ways with strategic change at Eregi TTC. From the research it was found that there is need to create awareness before the changes are initiated. Eregi TTC is a public institution where there is a lot of government involvement in its operations. Most of the strategic changes are from without. The changes in curriculum, administration, admission criteria, procurement, employment of Non Teaching Staff among others, are suggested by the government in liaison with its respective ministries or departments, with the institutions being the implementing authority. The study established that changes only succeed when the implementers are trained and funds are provided to fully implement the change. There is also need to set up a committee whose mandate is to see the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the said changes. It was established that communication and involvement of all the stakeholders is vital throughout the whole change process. Communication and sensitization through forums like seminars, workshops and meetings also ensure that the changes succeed. This creates desire for the change. It was also established that employees embrace change when they are assured of their job security, safety and welfare. At Eregi TTC some of the changes took place without the appointment of a monitoring and evaluation team. This led to the failure of some of the change initiatives. Resistance to change was also evident through sabotage, absenteeism from meetings go slows and gossip. The research established that integration of the people and business dimension of change occurred through seminars,workshops and team building activities. This created a sense of security and made them realize that change was not a threat to their status quo. The study recommended that for changes to succeed in public organisations there should be piloting of the initiative. The stakeholders are supposed to be involved at all the stages. It was also established that change programs from without are supposed to be properly funded so as to succeed.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleThe Integration of People and Business Dimension of Change at Eregi Teachers Training College, Kenyaen_US

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