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dc.contributor.authorOngoro, Joseph M
dc.description.abstractIn any organizational environment, strategy implementation is critical in creating and sustaining competitive advantage. In today’s unpredictable and competitive environment, there is an increasing recognition of the need for more dynamic approaches to formulating as well as implementing strategies. Implementing strategy is tougher and more time-consuming than strategy-making. Each implementation situation occurs in a different context, affected by different factors such as business practices and competitive situations, work environments and cultures. Strategy implementation is the critical phase of strategic management process as it involves translating strategic thought into organizational action. Strategy implementation is concerned with how the choices will be put into action and how to manage changes required in the process. This study was investigating the strategy implementation at I-Hub and determine challenges encountered by the Organization in implementing its strategies. The findings of this study will contribute to building the existing body of knowledge in strategic management and specifically on strategy implementation. A case study approach was taken on I-hub. To obtain primary data, I-Hub departmental heads and CEO were interviewed with a guidance of an interview guide. Secondary data was obtained from the organization’s website and printed records. Data was analyzed in accordance with the objectives of the study using content analysis method. The results revealed the company’s strategy implementation process and challenges faced by the organization in the process. It is recommended I-Hub needs to allocate more resources in terms of finances towards making the exercise smoother. Additionally, I-Hub should develop an employee retention plan to ensure that critical employees do not leave the organization particularly in the process of strategy implementation. The organization should also develop a plan to professionally review the progress made during the strategy implementation process. There were limitations of the study. The responses were likely to be biased since the interviewees were the actual people involved in strategy implementation. Availability of informants was also a challenge due to engagements such as leave and fieldwork. Further research is suggested to study strategy implementation across many firms in the Technology Business Incubation sectoren_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleStrategy implementation in technology business incubation: a case study of I -hub Kenyaen_US

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