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dc.contributor.authorKabui, Anne C W
dc.description.abstractAccording to Pearce and Robinson (1991) strategic responses are the set of decisions and actions that result in the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve a firm's objectives. It is thus a reaction to what is happening in the organization's environment. In 1992 they further stated that strategic responses are part of competitive strategies that organizations develop in defining their goals and policies. The external environment is the set of variables including the social aspect, which is how consumers, households and communities behave and their beliefs. For instance, change in attitude towards formal education, or greater numbers of people seeking formal job placements in a population. The social system is the fabric of ideas, attitudes and behavior patterns that are involved in human relationships. In particular, businesses are influenced by consumer attitude and behavior which depend on such factors as age, structure of population and nature of job and leisure, which are in turn influenced by available disposable income and upcoming needs in the wider system. Other key factors that affect this are continued positive attitude and acceptability towards formal education and formal jobs. These are characterized by growing competition and available opportunities in the job market, changing life styles from rural and farming to urban and formal jobs. Another key factor is the HIV and Aids pandemic that has left behind many orphans who need help to make a livelihood, this calls for a strategic response to all these social changes. The research design that was used was cross sectional survey which is also known as cross sectional analysis. This is a research design in which a statistically significant sample of a population is used to estimate the relationship between an outcome of interest and population variables as they exist at one particular time. The research used stratified random sampling technique. A stratified sample survey is whereby the population is divided or split into different non - overlapping blocks or strata based on a particular criterion like geographical areas, school types and others. The random sample was then drawn from each of the strata. The sample consisted of 20% of all secondary schools in the Archdiocese of Nairobi. This was a total of 19 schools, 5 in Nairobi, 7 in Kiambu, and 7 in Thika/Gatundu. The sampling technique was stratified samples, with geographical divisions forming the strata. The schools that were sampled were defined by the schools representation in the region as a percentage of the total schools. The data type that the research collected was qualitative data from the category questions that sought to get the respondents response to questions on the variables. The research also had quantitative data in terms of numbers which were answers to variables like number of intake, increase in numbers in formal education, costs, and increase in enrollment of other religions in the schools. The questionnaire were administered to the principal/ Head Teacher who is a member of the board of governors and also part of the daily running of the school; the deputy head teacher who is involved in direct running of school; one member of the teaching staff who sits in the parent teachers association and the head of the guidance and counseling department. The objective of this study was to determine the strategic response to social changes by Catholic secondary schools in the Archdiocese of Nairobi over the last ten years. From the findings in chapter four and the discussion of chapter five, yes the Catholic secondary schools in the Archdiocese of Nairobi have responded to the social changes in the environment in a strategic manner. They have continuously expanded to accommodate more students; new schools have also been built to cater for growing numbers seeking formal education. The schools have also made the performance in the standard eight national exams the main focus when admitting students which gives more opportunity to all who qualify. The schools have also been admitting students regardless of religion or family income and supporting them uniformly. The guidance and counseling, religious formation in school and HIV programs have been implemented to enhance an all round development of the young student. Majority of the schools have orphans or even HIV infected students they are supporting since this is a reality affecting all organization with these institutions of learning not exempted.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Strategic Response To Social Changes By Catholic Secondary Schools In The Archdiocese Of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US

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