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dc.contributor.authorThairu, Nancy W
dc.description.abstractThis research was carried out with two main objectives namely; first to establish the Performance Contracting implementation process at the University of Nairobi and secondly establish what factors have influenced this process. The research adopted a case study design and data collected was then analyzed using content analysis. The research findings are that the University of Nairobi has tried to strictly follow the Performance Contract guideline as set out by the Kenyan Government through the Performance Contracting Department. The University management from an early stage embraced this new policy and has been at the forefront of its implementation. That the strategic plan, organization structure and culture have supported the smooth implementation of this process. Intensive staff training and staff sensitization has greatly enabled the process also by creating both awareness and ownership of the process. Limited resources especially financial were found to also influence and to some extent limit the rolling out of the process. This is due to the fact that the University is a public institution which is largely controlled and regulated by the government to serve the Kenyan public. The other factor is the intensity of the implementation process which has increased the workload of a limited workforce, especially during the data collection stage which is continuous due to the quarterly report. The UoN management has tried to address these challenging factors by initiating various income generating activities to make up for the funding shortfall. A fully pledge secretariat has also been set up to coordinate the Performance Contract implementation process and keeping it in tune with the organization strategic plan. A management information system has been designed and implemented to aid the staff easily upload data. The conclusion drawn from this research is that the Performance Contract process has greatly improved the operations of this institution. It has enable the staff remain more focused and be result oriented.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleImplementation of Performance Contracting at the University of Nairobien_US

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