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dc.contributor.authorKithinji, Clifford K
dc.description.abstractThis study focused on the effect of total productive maintenance implementation on productivity at Kipevu II thermal power plant. According to this study the TPM practices considered were safety, training, quality maintenance, planned maintenance and autonomous maintenance. While productivity was represented by equipment availability, dispatch compliance, scrap material production, customer satisfaction rating and rate of meeting operations objectives. Kipevu II power plant has resulted to TPM as a measure of survival in a very competitive electricity generation industry. This research employed a longitudinal case study design, where secondary data was used. Multiple linear regression analysis has been used to analyze data collected from the record for Kipevu II power plant covering a period of sixteen and a half years. The data was then discussed. It was found that there exist a strong relationship between TPM implementation and productivity. Planned maintenance had the greatest effect on productivity. It was recommended that thermal power plant should focus attention on improving the TPM practice of planned maintenance, in order to improve their productivity. Future research can look at the effect of TPM practices on electricity generating companies using renewable sources of poweren_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleEffect of Total Productive Maintenance Practices on Thermal Power Plant Productivity: a Case Study of Kipevu Ii Power Planten_US

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