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dc.contributor.authorItabari, M. K
dc.description.abstractThe study was on the influence of trade union practices on job satisfaction of the teachers in Tigania East Sub-county of Meru County. The objectives of the study were; to determine the influence of trade unions in representation of teachers, handling of cases, engagement of legal services and teachers' advocacy on job satisfaction. The variables that were driven from the objectives were representation of teachers, influence of trade unions in handling and management of investigations, engagement of legal services by the trade unions, and advocacy on teacher‟s job satisfaction. The study was guided by Herzberg‟s Two-Factor Theory of motivation. All the respondents were subjected to the questionnaire that was used as a sole tool for data collection. Data was analyzed through SPSS where quantitative data was coded and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Frequency distribution tables, pie charts and bar graphs were used to present data. Data interpretations was also done and discussions recorded. The study obtained information that teachers were represented in issues of a communal nature but left on their own in personal cases. This was affirmed by the majority responses (73.3%) that stated there was a serious misrepresentation of teachers in the legal suits. The hurdles to representation of teachers that were cited were lack of budgetary allocations to personal suits, and lack of a policy in that effect. The teachers‟ salaries were said to be insufficient for sourcing individual legal representations. Lack of the unions to represent teachers when faced with legal suits led to conviction and commitment of innocent teachers to jail terms. The respondents expressed this as a point of great dissatisfaction in their professional practices. The study recommended that trade unions should consider enlisting individual teacher‟s suits for representation since the salaries are insufficient to meet legal costs among other needs. Trade union officers should be involved throughout the process of investigating and conviction of teachers to ensure justice is delivered. Inclusion of individual teacher‟s professional suits costs in the trade unions‟ budgetary estimates is quite in order to ensure the services are availed to the teachers who are affected. The researcher recommended that a study on factors that influence poor service delivery by teacher‟s trade unions will help curb draw conclusions to curb the problems of job dissatisfaction.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectInfluence Of Trade Union Practices On Teachers’ Job Satisfaction In Public Primary Schoolsen_US
dc.titleInfluence Of Trade Union Practices On Teachers’ Job Satisfaction In Public Primary Schools Intigania East Sub-County, Kenyaen_US

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