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dc.contributor.authorKaranja, Loise N
dc.description.abstractOrganizations have been achieving competitive advantage by offering their clients with the preferences they have or by implementing effective means of satisfying customers and in a manner that competitors find hard to imitate. The objective of this study was to determine competitive strategies that have been adopted by Highlands Mineral Water Company in Kenya. This study was guided by resource-based theory and competence based strategy theory. This was a case study design since Highlands Mineral Water Company is a single company. The study used primary data that was collected using an interview guide. The study interviewees consisted of senior selected staff of Highlands Mineral Water Company, specifically, those involved in formulation and implementation of the company’s strategies. Data collected in the study was qualitative hence main tool for data analysis was content analysis. The study concludes that Highlands Mineral Water Company had adopted a wider corporate coverage across the country, customers, and community development enabled the achieving of the company’s overall objectives. The study further concludes that Highlands Mineral Water has the power of using pricing as a competitive tool to spur an increase in demand for soft drink products. The study concludes Highlands Mineral Water Company Focus strategies include offering an exceptional customer service, enhancing the efficiency of operations, controlling product and service quality, front-line personnel training, as well as extensive supervision of the latter. The study also concludes that Highlands Mineral Water has asset resources like housing, personnel unique brands among others, which it uses to improve its performance, and also in coming up with Highlands Mineral Water foundation programmes like community development and other Corporate Social Responsibilitiesen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleCompetitive Strategies Adopted by Highlands Mineral Water Company in Kenyaen_US

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