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dc.contributor.authorMulinge, Dorcas N
dc.description.abstractThis study sought to assess the internal factors affecting the performance of public relations in the Kenya Prison Service. The specific study objectives were; to assess the public relations policy on the performance of public relations in the Kenya prisons department; to examine the role of technology on the performance of public relations in the Kenya prisons department and to establish the effects of the public relations officers’ skills on the performance of public relations in the Kenya prisons department. The study used a descriptive survey research approach which targeted four (4) prison stations across Nairobi region with a sample size of 120 management employees and public relations officers. The study adopted a census sample design. The research instrument used was questionnaire and the drop and pick method was used to collect data. The SPSS tool Version 22 was used to analyze data. Data collected implied that there is lack of supportive policies that encourages the public relations which in turn have led to poor performance of public relations; there is also no clear policy on how the public relations should be conducted. The department also lacks modern public relations equipment and information communication technology systems to monitor how PR is undertaken. The respondents also indicated that the department lacks highly skilled public relations staff. Key recommendations of the study are; Prisons department managers need to understand the role of technology on the performance of public relations. This will ensure that they acquire latest technology like modern cameras and the use of internet that will boost their public relations, they should ensure that there is clear public relations policy that will enhance the public relations in the department and also ensure that they embark on building the technical capacity of public relations officers in order to ensure that they are able to handle communication within and outside the organization.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleAn Assesment of Internal Factors Affecting Public Relations Performance in the Kenya Prison Service: a Case of Prisons in Nairobi Regionen_US

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