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dc.contributor.authorNdung’u, Catherine N
dc.description.abstractMentoring has been around as long as human beings have been in existence. This is why the importance of mentoring has been highlighted by researchers since the establishment of societies and organized work. In recent times, researchers have found out that when organizations use mentoring as a tool of human resource development, employees benefit in more than one way. Employees gain knowledge and skills as well as opportunities for career development and advancement. Over the years, mentoring has been linked to career success in various professions. Researchers have carried out a number of studies that have established that the relationship between mentoring and career success is evident in various organizations whereby mentee have experienced both subjective and objective career success. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of mentoring on career success in Nairobi hotels and primary data was used to achieve the stated research objective. The respondents in this study were Human Resource Managers in the 156 hotels in Nairobi. Being in a position where they interact with they are in charge of human resource development, the respondents were able to provide firsthand information on mentoring and career success. Descriptive statistics; frequencies and percentages were used to analyze respondents’ demographic data. To establish the relationship between mentoring and career success in Nairobi hotels, regression analysis was used; mentoring was the independent variable and career success as the dependent variable. The results show that holding all other factors constant, a unit increase in the mentoring function, will lead to 0.345 unit increases in the scores of the career success among staff in the hotel industry. The probability value of 0.607 indicates that mentoring affect the career success among staff in Nairobi’s star rated hotels. The research concluded that there is a relationship between mentoring and employee career success in Nairobi’s star rated hotels. The researcher therefore recommends that organizations utilize the mentoring function as a human resources development tool. This will improve the employee’s knowledge, skills and abilities as well lead to the realization of career goals and objectives.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Effect of Mentoring on Employee Career Success in Nairobi`s Star Rated Hotelsen_US

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