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dc.contributor.authorTinega, Tom
dc.description.abstractOur general surroundings is continually advancing and getting new measurements. Presenting change is vital, despite the fact that not exclusively enough, to ensure achievement later on. Change is fundamental for an association to concentrate on repositioning, restoration, rearranging and a precise advancement. The target of the study was to build up the change administration practices and execution at Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE). Particular targets of the study were to recognize change administration hones at Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE), to decide the impact of progress administration hones on the execution of Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE), and to distinguish the difficulties confronting change administration prepare at Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE). The study utilized a contextual analysis plan. The purpose behind this decision depended on the information that contextual investigations are the most fitting for analyzing the procedures by which occasions unfurl, and additionally investigating causal connections furthermore they give a comprehensive comprehension of the wonders. The study utilized essential information which was gathered utilizing a meeting guide. The strategy utilized as a part of this study was that of a semi-organized meeting, in which the questioner had an organized arrangement of examination, to be specific an arrangement of pre-decided inquiries. The information acquired was examined utilizing content investigation which included an efficient subjective portrayal of the respondent's responses to the inquiries postured in the meeting guide. It included perception and itemized depiction of the articles, things or things that contain the study. The study found that the change management practices used at KENTRADE included enhancement of Collaboration /participation between departments through group meetings, project matrix structures, restructuring and also intentional employment of managers from outside as examples of such practice. The study found that the strategic change has influenced the organization performance in positive ways such that it has made the firm to be more competitive that before, it has increased the productivity of the firm which has improved the market share thus increasing the profits. The study found that the top management should be directly involved in the change management process so that they can direct the employees on how to implement the change. If they are not directly involved the process may faill as they give directions on what should be done in the organization. The study concluded that employees were involved in the change through offering of ideas and information concerning what the change really meant to them. Additionally the study concluded that there were various consultants involved in the change process who included Director, CEO, and chief operating officer from other organizations in Kenya. The study prescribed that senior administration to plainly impart the vision, mission and destinations of the change administration push to help the workers see how those progressions will influence them by and by. The chiefs ought to impart the explanations behind the change in a manner that all workers comprehend the specific circumstance, reason and requirement for change.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleChange Management Practices and Performance at Kenya Trade Network Agencyen_US

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