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dc.contributor.authorKilika, J.M.
dc.description.abstractIn an attempt to determine managers' compensation preferences and the relevance of the existing compensation scheme in the banking industry of Kenya, this study was designed to take the nature of a survey and focused on a case study of the cooperative bank of Kenya The secondary data that guided in the conceptual frame work took a motivation theory based approach to the broad view of compensation. This enabled the development of the research instrument by way of items compensation of both intrinsic and extrinsic nature categorized into either of them were responded to by an equivalent number of managers from the bank. They were required to responded to them by asserting their degree of importance of the items listed in a 5-point Likert scale as well as their opinion towards the items.....................................................................................................en_US
dc.titleThe Existing Compensation Schemes : ( a Case Study of the Co-operative Bank of Kenya)en_US

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