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dc.contributor.authorOmar, Amina A
dc.description.abstractWater and sanitation sector in Kenya is characterized by institutional fragmentation that led to numerous inefficiencies and by subsequent attempts at reform. The government of Kenya has provided legal framework and entered into collaboration with donors such as JICA to ensure that the water systems in Kenya are functioning properly and sanitation is improved. Despite all the government efforts implement water projects in Isiolo County, there have seen complains that the water systems are not up to standards. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of socio-economic factors on implementation of water projects in Isiolo County. The study was guided by the following objective; to determine the influence of resource allocation, staff competence, stakeholder involvement and managerial accountability on implementation of water projects in Isiolo County. This study was grounded on the commitment trust theory and agency theory. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population was management employees involved in implementation of water projects in Isiolo County government. A sample population of 136 was arrived at by calculating the target population of 211 with a 95% confidence level and an error of 0.05 using the below formula taken from Kothari (2004). Data was collected using questionnaire. The questionnaire had both open ended and closed ended questions. Drop and pick method was used to administer the questionnaires to the sampled population since it ensured that respondents are reached without any external influences. After data cleaning which entailed checking for errors in entry, descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean score and standard deviation was estimated for all the quantitative variables and information presented inform of tables. The qualitative data from the open ended questions was analyzed using conceptual content analysis and presented in prose. Multiple regression analysis was used to establish the relations between the independent and dependent variables. The study found that there is delay in financing implementation of water projects and that there is large amount of funds issued to implementation of water projects, that employees’ professional skills influence their Implementation of the water projects and that there is knowledge on policies on implementation to enhance water projects in Isiolo County, that there are many water projects stakeholders with different interests on county water projects and that there is conflict between ministry of water and irrigation at national government. The study concludes that managerial accountability had the greatest effect on the implementation of water projects, followed by resource allocation, then stakeholder involvement while staff competence had the least effect to the implementation of water projects. The study recommends that The study recommends that involvement of key stakeholders such as relevant government agencies, financial advisers, and other professionals should be increased in order to enhance the success of their projects, that that there is a need to involve the juniors in the implementation of water projects within the county through delegation of some assignments, that county government should create the right communication channels between them and the projects stakeholders as well as the national government and that there is need for the government to follow up on the enforcement of the regulations of stakeholder participation in the county water projects implementation process.en_US
dc.titleInfluence of socio-economic factors on implementation of water projects by Isiolo County Governmenten_US

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